How to clean carburetor on Troy Bilt lawn mower? DIY solution!

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If you don’t have good maintenance, the carburetor’s performance will go down gradually. In fact, it is difficult for you to start the engine. When you catch the problem, just keep calm. We have a non-expense solution for you. 

Instead of spending $70 on a new carburetor, you can follow the method and renew it. How to clean carburetor on Troy Bilt lawn mower step-by-step guide is ready for you.

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Clean the carburetor on Troy Bilt lawnmower

how to clean carburetor on troy bilt lawn mower

There are some reasons for the bad performance of the engine. It’s a frequent reason that you forget to remove all the gasoline from your mower before parking it for a long time. In this case, the engine runs poorly because the carburetor is damaged by the old gas. It’s corroded or gummed up. However, there is no need to worry. Cleaning the carburetor can solve the problem.

You can do the process by yourself. From now, without a maintenance service, you can solve the carburetor problem at home. 

The necessary tools:

  • A screwdriver: 4-in-1 one is a priority.
  • A wrench: Let’s choose an adjustable one.
  • Some clamps.
  • Some pliers.
  • A respirator (if any) for protecting your health from the fuel-burned gas.
  • A socket.

The necessary materials:

  • A cleaner that is specially designed for the carburetor.
  • A carburetor repair kit.
  • A pair of plastic gloves.
  • A long wire is used for connecting all the parts of the carburetor.

Step 1: Try to start the lawn mower

  • Open the fuel tank, check the fuel. If it runs out of fuel, pour some into the tank. 
  • Confirm the connection between the ignition wire.
  • Spray a shot of aerosol lubricant straight into the carburetor.
  • Yank the cord.

After the process, if the lawnmower runs and dies immediately, the engine catches the fuel problem. If the engine has no life at all, you are in a more serious situation. At that time, you should have an overall check. Haul your lawnmower to the garage because you will spend a big sum of time repairing it.

Step 2: Check the carburetor’s gas 

  • Use the clamp to stabilize the fuel line.
  • Then slide the spring clamp backward after compressing it.
  • Put a small bowl in the opening of the carburetor. Disconnect the tubing and the carburetor nipple by pulling the tubing off.
  • If you can’t see any gas come out, the fuel filter or the fuel line may be in plugged condition.

Step 3: Extract the carburetor

  • The carburetor is stable on the engine, thanks to the two big bolts. To extract the carburetor, use a socket or a screwdriver to remove the bolts. 
  • Disconnect the carburetor and the throttle cable.
  • Put your carburetor in a container. The container helps catch the gas. 

Step 4: Confirm the corrosion

  • To do this, you open the carburetor bowl.
  • Look deeply inside the carburetor. 

If you see that the carburetor is corroded, you need a new one. Cleaning can not deal with the problem. In fact, the corrosion will clog the jets. Moreover, the gas flow into the carburetor is restricted.

If the carburetor is not in corrosion condition, you can rebuild it with the carburetor repair kit. The below steps will help you to do the work.

Step 5: Put the carburetor on the workbench and start the rebuilt

  • First, you dissect the carburetor into species. Let’s start with the bottom part. Disassemble the bowl, the float, the needle, and then the upper ones. For a faster installation, take a video about the dissection. Putting the parts in order also helps the work easier.
  • Find in the carburetor rebuild kit the new gaskets and O-rings. Then match them to the old one.
  • To the gaskets and O-rings that are useless, set them aside. Do the same thing to the part of the kit that you don’t need.

Step 6: Clean the mechanisms

  • Use a wire to connect all the mechanisms. Prepare a bucket of cleansing liquid, drop the wire into the bucket.
  • To the small mechanisms, you put them inside a fine-mesh basket. Then drop the basket into the bucket as well.
  • Remember that the two steps above just use old parts. 
  • Soak all the mechanisms in the bucket for about one hour.

Step 7: Reassemble the mechanisms

  • Rinse the mechanisms will water. Then use compressed air to dry them.
  • Match the old mechanisms and the new ones. Mount them on the carburetor.
  • Adjust the speed and the mixture. You follow the instructions in the kit.
  • Try starting the engine. Then listen to its sound.

If you find it’s hard to follow the guide above, you should watch the video below on cleaning carburetor on Troy Bilt lawn mowers.


1. How can I know that the carburetor is dirty?

A failing carburetor will have some symptoms. They are:

  • The engine has bad performance.
  • The lawnmower exhausts black smoke.
  • The engine is overheating.
  • It’s hard for you to start the engine.

2. What is the cleaning liquid?

Prepare 1 bowl of hot water with 1 bowl of the disassembled carbs. Then drop them into the bucket at the same time. Do it slowly for a better mixer. 

3. How often should I clean the carburetor?

Do the maintenance every 6 months. This will help the fuel burn effectively and enhance the performance of the engine.

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Final thoughts

Knowing how to clean carburetor on Troy Bilt lawn mower helps you a lot with the maintenance. If you’re in trouble with your carburetor, let’s be confident with the steps. It’s specially written for Troy Bilt’s lawn mowers. A lot of people succeed with the guide. And now it’s your turn.

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